Request a Research Advocate
FORCE trains people who are new to science to use their personal experiences to help guide hereditary cancer research.

Are you an investigator looking for patient input?

FORCE can assist researchers who are looking for patients to participate across all phases of research. Please fill out the request form below, and FORCE will match you with trained advocates to fit your patient engagement needs, including:

  • guidance on research study design
  • identification of research gaps and priorities
  • peer review
  • study promotion, recruitment or enrollment assistance
  • input on a program, pilot testing of an intervention, survey or program, and collaboration on a grant submission
  • research result promotion or dissemination

Please complete this survey to request a research advocate for your project.


Engage Patients!

"The FORCE advocates provided invaluable feedback on my research study and survey materials. They brought up issues that I hadn't considered, helped me clarify my research goals, and led me to refine the questions that I asked participants. Having patients involved in the research process changed my study for the better.” - Claire Conley, PhD, Assistant Professor, Georgetown University 

Request an Advocate

Research Advocacy Sponsored By:

Supported by a cooperative agreement from the
Patient Centered Outcomes Research Institute: PCORI EAIN-00055
and by: