News Brief Archive
01/03/2025 - Joined Families USA and hundreds of organizations in a letter urging Congress to protect, preserve, and strengthen Medicaid, a foundational source of health and economic security for 80 million Americans.
12/11/2024 - Wrote congressional leaders to emphasize the importance of access to telehealth services, urging the extension of existing telehealth flexibilities for at least a year.
11/18/2024 - Thanked U.S. Reps Ruiz and Bucshon for introducing H.R. 8412, the Clinical Trial Modernization Act, and to express our support for this important legislation.
11/18/2024 - Joined nearly 400 members of the Ad Hoc Group for Medical Research in encouraging House Appropriations Committee leadership to finalize the Labor-HHS spending bill with a $48.9 billion investment in the NIH, in addition to funding for the Advanced Research Projects Agency for Health (ARPA-H).
10/7/2024 - Urged congressional leadership to swiftly pass the SCREENS for Cancer Act, which would reauthorize the National Breast and Cervical Cancer Early Detection Program (NBCCEDP) for another five years.
10/2/2024 - Joined the Alliance for Connected Care and over 150 orgs in a letter to CMS/HHS encouraging the development of a permanent policy related to telehealth practitioners and reporting of their location at the time of service.
9/25/2024 - Sent a letter to members of the Senate Judiciary Committee strongly opposing efforts to advance S. 2140, the Patent Eligibility Restoration Act (PERA), which would allow patents on abstract ideas, laws of nature, and natural phenomena.
9/9/2024 - Signed on to a comment letter encouraging coverage of computed tomography colonography (CTC) procedures and follow-up colonoscopies in the proposed Medicare and Medicaid Program 2025 Physician Fee Schedule (PFS) rule.
8/2/2024 - Responded to an RFI from Representatives DeGette and Bucshon, providing input on the successes, gaps and unmet needs in the 21st Century Cures and CURES 2.0 initiatives, suggesting components for future efforts.
7/16/2024 - Supported a statement expressing concern about the Supreme Court’s decision to eliminate the Chevron doctrine deference precedent and the impact the decision may have on those affected by colorectal and other cancers.
7/2/2024 - Joined more than 50 organizations in submitting feedback on the draft guidance for the second cycle of the Medicare Drug Price Negotiation Program, which will impact drug pricing as well as innovation.
5/14/2024 - Urged the House and Senate Appropriations Committees to create a Colorectal Cancer Research Program within the Department of Defense Congressionally Directed Medical Research Programs.
4/29/2024 - Sent the Administrator of the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) feedback and recommendations on its Medicare Advantage and Prescription Drug Programs: Part C and Part D Medicare Prescription Payment Plan Model Documents.
4/3/2024 - Submitted comments to Senator Cassidy and the HELP Committee in response to an RFI regarding oversight of clinical diagnostic tests, known as in vitro diagnostics (IVDs) and laboratory-developed tests (LDTs).
3/15/2024 - Joined the Coalition to Increase Access to Cancer Care (CIACC) in comments to House leadership on efforts to strengthen the Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) and emphasize the need to pass the Cancer Drug Parity Act.
3/1/2024 - Provided feedback to CMS on the Medicare Advantage Advanced Notice and accompanying Part D Redesign Program provisions aimed at reducing and managing beneficiary out-of-pocket costs in the Medicare Part D program.
2/29/2024 - Wrote sponsors to endorse the BENEFIT Act, which would require the FDA to include in the benefit-risk assessment framework of a new drug application how patient experience data was considered in the review process.
2/28/2024 - Encouraged congressional leadership to support and enact the Equitable Community Access to Pharmacist Services Act to ensure that Medicare beneficiaries maintain access to essential pharmacist services.
2/22/2024 - Joined over 200 orgs in urging Congress to make important telehealth flexibilities permanent, to provide certainty, and safeguard against this important policy getting left behind among competing priorities at the end of the year.
1/28/2024 - Sent comments to the FL Senate Banking and Insurance Committee in support of SB 932, legislation aiming to expand coverage of high-risk, supplemental breast screenings and diagnostic imaging with no patient cost-sharing.
1/16/2024 - Joined stakeholders in a letter to President Biden asking that he recognize March as National Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month and light the White House blue to honor those we have lost and those fighting this disease.
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