About Advocacy Day
Learn about Advocacy Day and how you can help educate Congress about important issues faced by people in the hereditary cancer community. Get updates on hereditary cancer by signing up for our newsletter.

Federal Advocacy Day

June 12, 2025


Advocacy Day is an opportunity for you and other passionate people to meet virtually with members of Congress, urging them to support policies that improve the lives of individuals and families facing hereditary cancers. Our 2025 agenda focused on legislative efforts that facilitate affordable access to cancer-related care (genetic counseling, testing, screening, preventive interventions and treatments). Reducing barriers to these crucial services saves lives!

Your voice is the most powerful tool for raising awareness on Capitol Hill, and the more we join together to speak out, the greater our impact.

What to Expect

  • Hereditary cancer survivors, thrivers, previvors, family members, healthcare professionals and researchers will meet with federal lawmakers or their staff.
  • FORCE will schedule the meetings with your lawmakers’ offices.
  • Virtual training will help you prepare. The Advocacy Day training will: 
    • Review our unified message and the legislation we support
    • Provide tips on sharing your personal experiences so you leave a memorable impression on congressional representatives
  • You will receive meeting prep materials, in-depth education on the issues, talking points for the appointments and other supportive materials so you have all the information and confidence you need.

Can’t take part in Advocacy Day?

You can still make a difference! Visit our grassroots advocacy platform to email your lawmakers, asking them to support key legislative efforts, and consider volunteering as a Patient Advocate Leader.

2025 Sponsors: