Nipple Reconstruction and Areola Tattoos
Nipples and Areola
People who do not have nipple-sparing mastectomy may choose to have nipple reconstruction nipple and areola tattooing. Visit our password-protected photo and video gallery to view real outcomes shared by community members or to upload your own photos or videos to share with others.
Nipple reconstruction
Nipple reconstruction is a short and simple procedure that creates a small of breast skin into the shape of a nipple. This surgery is usually done after the reconstructed breast has settled into position, about three or four months after surgery.
Other people may choose to skip this reconstructive step, because reconstructed nipples have no sensation and do not react to cold or touch as natural nipples do. For women who decide to skip this step, some may choose 3-D nipple tattooing (see below) or temporary adhesive nipples.
Nipple and areola tattooing
Tattooing adds color to the new nipple and recreates the look of the areola. Tattoos may be performed by the surgeon, a specially-trained nurse or technician or a professional tattoo artist who is experienced with reconstructive tattooing. Depending on the procedure, multiple sessions may be required. Tattoos may fade over time, but they can be repeated if necessary.
3-D tattooing produces deeper variations of pigment to simulate the look and texture of a natural nipple and areola. This is best performed by a skilled tattoo artist who is experienced with this procedure.
Reconstruction or Going Flat
After mastectomy, people have the option of leaving the chest flat or having reconstruction surgery. Read more about deciding between these options.
Types of Breast Reconstruction
Breasts can be reconstructed using implants, living tissue or a combination of the two. Read more about each type of reconstruction. .
Going Flat
Some people choose not to have reconstruction after mastectomy. Learn more about going flat and a procedure known as aesthetic flat closure.
Preparation and Recovery
Learn about the steps that you can take to prepare for mastectomy and reconstruction and help with recovery.
Photo and Video Gallery
View images and videos of mastectomy with and without reconstruction shared by members of the FORCE community.
Checklist and Tip Sheet
View questions to help you make medical decisions and tips to help you prepare for and recover from surgery.