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Cancer Treatment: Surgery

Surgery is used to treat cancer or alleviate symptoms. Stay up to date by signing up for our community newsletter.
Glossary on

Treating Cancer with Surgery

Surgery plays an important role in treating most types of cancers. This section covers the following topics: 

Goals of surgery

The goals of surgery include one or more of the following:

  • Remove a sample of tissue for the purpose of diagnosing cancer or gathering more information about cancer type, subtype, and biomarkers to help guide treatment. In some cases, this may be performed by a need biopsy rather than surgery. 
  • Remove the entire cancerous tissue or affected organ, often including some surrounding tissue to reduce the risk of spread or recurrence.
  • Remove as much of the cancerous tissue as possible to improve symptoms or increase the effectiveness of therapy (sometimes called debulking).

Like all cancer treatments, surgery can have side effects. Visit our section on Side Effects for more information.


Role of lymph node dissection and

are part of our immune system. Located throughout our body, they act like filters that protect tissue and organs from infections. Surgeons remove  near the tumor to see how far the cancer has spread. Removal of can lead to a long-term health issue known as . The more that are removed, the greater the chance for

For this reason, many cancer surgeries now include a procedure known as "." Before surgery, the surgeon injects a dye or an agent known as a "tracer" into the tumor. This helps the surgeon find and remove the first lymph node that filters the cancer, known as the sentinel node. The sentinel node is then checked for cancer. If no evidence of cancer is found, the surgeon can leave the other in place, lowering the risk for . If the sentinel node shows evidence of cancer, the surgeon may remove other as well.

Tumor pathology

After a biopsy or surgery confirms cancer, pathologists look closely at the cells and perform additional tests. This may include tumor tests. Your contains important information about your cancer diagnosis, which may be used to guide the choice of treatment. Ask your doctor or nurse to explain any parts of your or medical record that you do not understand. Information that may be found in your includes:

  • type of cancer
  • subtype of cancer
  • tumor grade
  • results of special stains
  • whether the tumor was completely removed
  • results of tests

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Last updated February 02, 2025