Educational Brochures
FORCE publishes educational brochures about hereditary cancer and our available resources. You may download single copies of our materials below.
What You Should Know About Genes and Cancer

Learn more about hereditary cancer, the warning signs of hereditary cancer, what genetic testing is all about and the resources available to guide you.
DownloadThe Genes Between Us: Your Guide to Sharing Genetic Test Results with Relatives

This brochure will guide you through the steps of sharing genetic information with your family, from preparation and what topics to share, to how to make contact and provide support.
Funding and support provided by Pfizer
DownloadLo que debemos saber sobre genes y cáncer

En este folleto se presenta información sobre el cáncer hereditario como las señales de advertencia de la enfermedad, de qué se tratan las pruebas genéticas y los recursos de orientación disponibles.
Formas de hablar con su familia sobre el cáncer hereditario

En el folleto Los genes entre nosotros encontrará información sobre cómo comunicar a sus familiares los resultados de pruebas genéticas, desde la preparación y los temas a tratar hasta cómo establecer contacto y brindar apoyo.
Financiamiento y apoyo proporcionados por Pfizer.
DescargueLaws Prohibiting Genetic Discrimination

Get informed about laws that protect individuals from genetic, health insurance and employment discrimination - and where to find additional information and resources.
DownloadFORCE Resources

Learn about the resources and support that ensure no one must face hereditary cancer alone.
DownloadTalking About BRCA in Your Family Tree

This downloadable booklet, from the National Society of Genetic Counselors (NSGC) Familial Cancer Special Interest Group and FORCE, is intended for parents preparing to discuss a familial BRCA mutation with their children.
DownloadHereditary Breast Cancer: What You Should Know

This infographic shares important facts about hereditary breast cancer.
DownloadHereditary Colon Cancer: What You Should Know

This infographic shares important facts about hereditary colon cancer.
DownloadHereditary Endometrial Cancer: What You Should Know

This infographic shares important facts about hereditary endometrial cancer.
DownloadHereditary Ovarian Cancer: What You Should Know

This infographic shares important facts about hereditary ovarian cancer.
DownloadHereditary Pancreatic Cancer: What You Should Know

This infographic shares important facts about hereditary pancreatic cancer.
DownloadHereditary Prostate Cancer Infographic: What You Should Know

This infographic shares important facts about hereditary prostate cancer.