Find Financial Assistance
Low-cost or no-cost genetic testing is available from many labs and organizations.

Genetic Services

FORCE does not provide financial assistance. However, we are happy to share these resources. Contact the following organizations to learn about your eligibility. 

Financial Assistance Programs

Medical-grade genetic testing may be available for free or as little as $199. Many reputable laboratories, like the ones mentioned below, offer financial assistance, patient pay rates or low-cost testing options. Labs have different criteria for assistance, so if you are not eligible for aid through one laboratory you should contact other laboratories to see if you qualify for a financial assistance program. 

Direct-to-Consumer Saliva Based Testing

Another option is a physician-mediated “direct-to-consumer” test, such as JScreen, Color Genomics or Invitae. These require a saliva sample (sent via a mailed kit) and typically cost between $200 and $300. Physicians are involved, but they never meet the patients. Like traditional genetic testing with a blood sample, these tests are highly reliable and look for many different mutations. If a genetic mutation is found, they will contact the patient and schedule a virtual genetic counseling appointment to provide the test results and guidance on next steps such as increased cancer screening, other family members who should be tested, etc.  

Free Testing for Individuals at Risk of Ovarian Cancer 

FORCE partner, the Ovarian Cancer Research Alliance, is providing free genetic testing through Color Genomics for individuals who may be at increased risk of ovarian cancer. Visit this webpage to learn more and complete the questionnaire to see if you are eligible. 

Tips for finding assistance

If you have a personal or family history of cancer and...

  • your health plan denied coverage of genetic counseling or testing, we encourage you to file an appeal in an attempt to get coverage.
  • you are uninsured or have not been successful in getting your insurance plan to cover genetic testing, a genetic counselor or nurse navigator may be able to help you find financial assistance to offset the cost. Find a qualified genetics expert.