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Screening in Men at High Risk of Developing Prostate Cancer identifier:

Screening using MRI for men at risk of developing prostate cancer

Study Contact Information:

Please contact Contact: Scott Eggener, MD (773) 702-1001 [email protected] or
Mitchell Oddo (773) 834-8771 [email protected]

MRI Screening in Men at High Risk of Developing Prostate Cancer

About the Study

This study will place participants into one of four groups: 

  • Group 1: Men with inherited mutations in the following genes: , , , , , , , and 
  • Group 2: Men who have a high risk of cancer based on their genetic risk score (GRS) 
  • Group 3: Men with a family history of cancer in at least one sibling, father, uncle, or grandfather
  • Group 4: Men at low risk of cancer

All groups will receive the same MRIs. 

What the Study Involves

Participants will have a MRI every three years for 15 years or until cancer is found.


City: Chicago RECRUITING
Facility: University of Chicago
Contact Info:
[email protected] 773-702-1001
[email protected] 7737025681

City: Glenview RECRUITING
Facility: NorthShore University Health System - Glenbrook Hospital
Contact Info:
[email protected]
[email protected]
Brian Helfand, MD

This Study is Open To:

Men 18 years and older who: 

  • Have not had cancer 
  • Have not had surgery 


This Study is Not Open To:

Men who do not meet the inclusion criteria defined above and those who: 

  • Cannot have an  
  • Do not have a rectum 
  • Have had a hip replacement 
  • Have had a biopsy or within the last three years