Tools To Be Fit: Tools to Improve Nutrition and Physical Activity for Cancer Survivors
Clinicaltrials.gov identifier:
Quality of Life
Bladder, breast, colon, endometrial, kidney (renal cell carcinoma), ovarian, prostate, or rectal cancer
Study Contact Information:
Contact the Study Coordinator: Evelyn Montenegro at: 415-218-8398 or the
Principal Investigator Erin Van Blarigan by email at: [email protected]
Tools To Be Fit: Tools to Improve Nutrition and Physical Activity for Cancer Survivors
About the Study
Eating well and being physically active may help prevent cancer recurrence. Tools To Be Fit is a study to figure out what tools work best for helping cancer survivors improve their diet and exercise. Participants will get access to a combination of tools such as text messages, a wearable physical activity tracker, apps, health coaching, and coaching for a support person in the participant’s life.
What the Study Entails
Tools To be Fit is a controlled study testing different tools to see which ones work best to help cancer survivors eat well and be physically active over the course of 1 year.
If you are interested in joining this study, please visit to join and complete the short screening survey:
The study includes the following procedures:
- Quarterly Online Surveys
- Accelerometer (physical activity tracker): You will be asked to wear an accelerometer on your wrist for 7 days to measure your usual physical activity at the beginning, middle, and end of the study.
- Lab Assessments: You will be asked to visit a LabCorp (labcorp.com) or Quest Diagnostics (www.questdiagnostics.com) Patient Service Center location convenient to you two times – at the start of the study and at the end of the study. During this visit, they will draw your blood and measure your height, weight, waist circumference, blood pressure, and pulse.
All study participants will receive:
- A physical activity tracker
- Personalized report
- Educational booklet
- Up to $50 compensation
Intervention Groups:
Participants will be (placed into groups by chance) to 1 of 16 groups receiving a unique combination of the following interventions:
- Text Messages: These texts aim to support healthy nutrition and physical activity habits.
- Digital Health Toolkit: A wearable physical activity tracker provided with instructions to download two free apps on your smartphone.
- Food and exercise logbook: The logbook will have spaces to record your food and exercise for each day during the study.
- Health Coaching (15 sessions): Coaching will be done by video calls (i.e., Zoom) or phone. Coaching calls will take about 30 minutes.
- Support Person Training (4 sessions): A support person who you have selected from your life will have access to four quarterly 1-on-1 telephone sessions with a health coach to discuss how to support your effort to make changes to your nutrition and physical activity.
Where does the study take place?
- You can participate from your home. This study is being conducted remotely. Study activities can be done wherever you have access to the Internet (on a computer, tablet, phone, etc.)
Study Site
Helen Diller Family Comprehensive Cancer Center
University of California San Francisco
Erin L. Van Blarigan, ScD
Associate Professor
[email protected]
To be eligible, you must:
- be at least 18 years of age.
- be diagnosed with bladder, breast, colon, endometrial, kidney (renal cell carcinoma), ovarian, , or rectal cancer.
- have completed all cancer treatment.
- have regular access to a smartphone.
- You must also identify a support person (any adult who you spend time with frequently) who is willing to provide informed consent and support you throughout the study.
People are not eligible who:
- are in active treatment for cancer.
- have used an activity tracker and diet tracker for more than a week in the last 3 months.
- have a medical history of severe heart, lung, muscle, bone or joint disorders.