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Talazoparib for People with Metastatic Breast Cancer Who Have Acquired (Somatic) BRCA Mutations identifier:

This is a study for people with metastatic breast cancer without a known mutation in BRCA1 or BRCA2, who learn they have a BRCA1 or BRCA2 acquired tumor mutation (somatic mutation) found through liquid biopsy

Study Contact Information:

The study principal investigator, Dr. Neelima Vidula can be contacted at 617-726-6500.

The overall study coordinator, Erin Basile can be contacted at 617-724-5059.

Talazoparib for People with Metastatic Breast Cancer Who Have Acquired (Somatic) BRCA Mutations

About the Study

This is a study for patients with breast cancer without a known mutation in or , who learn they have a or  acquired tumor mutation () found through . Patients are treated with , a well-tolerated oral that targets the BRCA1/2 mutation to determine whether this treatment (which is already approved for people with an inherited BRCA1/2 mutation) is effective in this population.

Type of Study

This is a phase 2, , single arm, multi-center clinical trial evaluating in patients with breast cancer who have somatic BRCA1/2 mutations detectable in cell-free . Patients with triple-negative () or hormone receptor positive/HER2 negative (HR+/HER2-) breast cancer are eligible. Patients are treated with until disease progression, unacceptable , or withdrawal of consent.

  • This is an , single arm study so all patients get the same study treatment ().

What the Study Entails

  • Initial screening for study (baseline blood work, CT scans and bone scan, visit, consent, etc.)
  • Treatment with , an oral therapy, until disease progression, , or withdrawal of consent. is already approved for BRCA1/2 carriers.
  • Blood draw every 4 weeks for organ function assessment and to evaluate changes in cell-free () with treatment.
  • CT Chest, abdomen, and pelvis and bone scan every 12 weeks while on treatment.


City: San Francisco RECRUITING
Facility: UCSF Medical Center-Mission Bay/Benioff Children's Hospital
Contact Info:
[email protected] 415-353-7070
Hope Rugo, MD


City: Atlanta RECRUITING
Facility: Emory University Winship Cancer Institute
Contact Info:
[email protected] 404-778-3969
Manali Bhave, MD


City: Chicago RECRUITING
Facility: Northwestern University
Contact Info:
[email protected] 630-886-6967
Lisa Flaum, MD


Facility: Massachusetts General Hospital Cancer Center
Contact Info:
[email protected] 617-724-4000
Neelima Vidula, MD

New York

Facility: Weill Cornell Medicine
Contact Info:
[email protected] 646-962-2330
Massimo Cristofanilli, MD


City: Nashville RECRUITING
Facility: Vanderbilt University
Contact Info:
[email protected] 615-936-3831


City: Houston RECRUITING
Facility: MD Anderson Cancer Center
Contact Info:
[email protected] 713-792-2817
Senthil Damodaran, MD, PhD

This Study is Open To:

Patients may participate if they have the following:

  • breast cancer
    • If they have they must have received at least 1 prior line of chemotherapy (any number of prior therapies are allowed), OR
    • If they have HR+/HER2- breast cancer, they must have received at least 1 prior hormone therapy (or considered inappropriate for hormone therapy) in the setting
  •  test (cell-free testing) , which found an acquired (somatic) or  mutation
  • Patients are not required to have had prior genetic testing for an inherited BRCA1/2 mutation. However, those patients who have completed genetic testing and have an inherited BRCA1/2 mutation are not eligible.
  • adequate organ function
This Study is Not Open To:
  • Patients are excluded if they have an inherited  and mutation.
  • Patients are excluded if they have received a  in the past.