Laws and Protections
In the U.S., federal and state laws, regulations, and guidelines affect the health information and care that people receive, including the types of screening, prevention, and treatment that health insurance plans must cover, which lab tests or medications are available, and what screening services doctors should discuss with patients. FORCE advocates for new or revised laws and regulations, weighs in on how they are applied, and fights policies that aren’t in the best interest of the hereditary cancer community.
Federal Laws & Protections ›
Learn about key federal laws that impact members of the hereditary cancer community nationwide including the Affordable Care Act (ACA), Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act (GINA), Women’s Health and Cancer Rights Act (WHCRA) and more; find information on how to file a grievance or complaint with your health insurer.
State Laws ›
Federal laws set a minimum national standard. States can expand or enhance federal policy by passing their own laws. Here, we provide information on state laws that guide coverage and patient costs for cancer screenings, diagnostic exams and other health services needed by people with or at risk of hereditary cancer.