QR codes and friendly links for FORCE pages

This page provides short links and QR codes to embed in your materials and presentations to help patients find relevant FORCE information and resources. You can copy the short links and place them in your document. To copy the QR code, right click on the image and copy it or save it to your desktop. 


Page url: https://www.facingourrisk.org/info/hereditary-cancer-and-genetic-testing/hereditary-cancer-genes-and-risk/genes-by-name/cdh1/overview

Short link: https://bit.ly/force-cdh1 

QR code for FORCE page with information on CDH1 mutations

FORCE home page

Page url: https://www.facingourrisk.org

Short link: https://bit.ly/force-home  

QR code for FORCE home page

FORCE support

Page url: https://www.facingourrisk.org/support

Short link: https://bit.ly/force-support  

QR code for FORCE support page

FORCE research

Page url: https://www.facingourrisk.org/research

Short link: https://bit.ly/force-research 

QR code for FORCE research page