Get Matched for 1:1 Support
Our free Peer Navigation Program connects individuals with Lynch syndrome (EPCAM, MLH1, MSH2, MSH6, PMS2) or an inherited mutation in BRCA1, BRCA2, ATM, CHEK2, PALB2, PTEN and other genes or who tested negative but have a strong family history of cancer and their caregivers to resources and support personalized for their situation. If you would like to talk with someone who understands the decisions you are facing about hereditary cancer, get matched with a trained volunteer.
You can request to be matched by:
- Your genetic mutation
- Type of cancer
- Risk management
- Type of surgery
- Fertility options
- Geography
- Age
- And much more
Reviews we have received from participants in the program:
surprised how quickly I was able to connect with someone who had similar demographics and diagnoses – it was really comforting and empowering "
was incredibly validating, helpful and focused in ways I haven't found elsewhere "
no number of doctors can compare to connecting with individuals who have actually been in your shoes "
reduced my anxiety about an upcoming surgery "
Request a Match
Personalized and Confidential Support
Based on the information you submit through a secure survey, you'll be matched for a phone call or email exchange with a trained Peer Navigator who shares a similar experience and "gets" your situation.
Resource Guide
When you sign up, you will receive a guide filled with expert-reviewed resources. This information will help you navigate your decision-making process with your family and healthcare providers.
Thank You To Our Sponsors
The Peer Navigation Program has been made possible by the generous support from: