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NBN: Options for Cancer Treatment

Learn about personalized treatment options for people with an NBN mutation. Stay up to date by signing up for our community newsletter.
Glossary on

Cancer Treatment for People with an Inherited Mutation

People with an mutation who have been diagnosed with cancer may benefit from testing and may qualify for clinical trials looking for more effective treatments for cancer.

PARP inhibitors for prostate cancer

The Talzenna () has received FDA-approval to treat men with , , who have a mutation in or other genes linked to a certain type of damage repair. 

Other types of cancer

Currently there are no other cancer treatments approved specifically for people with a  mutation, nor guidelines for treating cancer specifically for people with a  mutation. To learn more about standard of care treatment options for specific types of cancer, visit our section on Cancer Treatment by Cancer Type. You may also consider enrolling in a clinical trial studying which treatments work best for people with an inherited  mutation. 

Last updated March 24, 2025