Colorectal Cancer Risk Management
Colorectal Cancer Risk Management
Everyone is at risk for colorectal cancer; the risk increases with age. The average lifetime risk for colorectal cancer is about 4 percent. This means that 1 in every 25 people will get colorectal cancer in their lifetime, usually after age 60. People with an inherited mutation in one of the genes listed below have a higher-than-average risk of developing colorectal cancer, often at a younger age.
Genetic counseling and testing can help you learn if you have an inherited mutation in one of these genes. There are different expert guidelines for colorectal cancer risk management, which are based on your level of risk. Speak with your healthcare provider to decide on a risk-management plan and schedule that is right for you.
See below for more information about different risk-management options.
In the News

Article : Red flags for colorectal cancer in young adults
The rate of colorectal cancer in young adults has been increasing. Researchers in this study identified four signs or “red flags” for colorectal cancer before age 50 (considered to be early onset colorectal cancer). Recognizing...
Risk-Management Options
Most colorectal cancers start as an abnormal growth known as a polyp. The goal of screening is to find and remove growths before they can turn into cancer. Early detection can help improve a person’s chance of surviving colorectal cancer.
Medications to Reduce Risk
Aspirin and other anti-inflammatory drugs have been shown to lower the risk of colorectal cancer in people with an increased risk of cancer.
Surgery to Reduce Risk
Colectomy is surgery that removes some or all of the colon. People with a very high risk for colorectal cancer may choose to have colectomy to lower their risk. Read about the guidelines and different types of surgery options.
Participate in Colorectal Cancer Research
Below are some of our featured research studies looking at new ways to screen for or prevent colorectal cancer. To search for additional studies, visit our Search and Enroll Tool.

Testing A Combination Of Vaccines For Cancer Prevention In Lynch Syndrome identifier: NCT05419011

Early Detection of Colorectal Cancer for People with Lynch Syndrome identifier: NCT05410977

Testing the Drug Obeticholic Acid for Familial Adenomatous Polyposis identifier: NCT05223036

Studying the Use of Naproxen and Aspirin for Cancer Prevention in People with Lynch Syndrome identifier: NCT05411718