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Pandemic Previvors

November 06, 2020

Pandemic Previvors

Previvors know the feeling of stress all too well. Staying one step ahead of cancer is challenging under the best of circumstances, and COVID-19 has only made it harder to manage cancer risk. Measures to stop the virus from spreading have made it more difficult – and sometimes impossible – to schedule preventative screenings and elective surgeries. For people with a genetic mutation that increases their risk of cancer, delaying medical care due to COVID has been a daunting experience.

This ABC News story features the experiences of three FORCE previvors. Shannon Terrill and Andrea Walens both had preventive mastectomies postponed due to the pandemic, and Caitlin Meyers Krause had to advocate to see her doctor in person after feeling a concerning spot. Dr. Judy Garber of the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, who serves on FORCE’s Board of Directors, also offers her insights.

Credit: This video originally aired on ABC News.

Despite the COVID crisis, these women successfully advocated for themselves and managed to safeguard their health. This story is proof that extraordinary challenges can bring extraordinary resilience.


Posted in: COVID19
Tags: Previvor , Health , Pandemic , Medical Decisions


April 1, 2021

Jody says:
As a previvor with not only a BRCA2 mutation but also MSH6, I was very concerned about getting in for my recurring checkups. My medical team held up their ends and I ended up with only one being delayed, and that was just for a couple months. I am very blessed and grateful.


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