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FORCE's eXamining the Relevance of Articles for You (XRAY) program looks behind the headlines of cancer news to help you understand what the research means for you. XRAY is a reliable source of hereditary cancer research-related news and information.
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Relevance: Medium-Low

Strength of Science: Medium

Research Timeline: Human Research

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Study : A new method for determining whether genetic variants in BRCA1 increase cancer risk

Relevance: Medium-Low

Strength of Science: Medium

Research Timeline: Human Research

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Most relevant for: People who have a Variant of Uncertain Significance in a gene associated with cancer risk.

Ever since BRCA1 was discovered, researchers have been trying to understand which of the thousands of possible DNA changes in this gene increase cancer risk and which are harmless changes.  A new study in Nature reports how a cutting-edge technology called “genome editing” may be used to classify changes—known as variants of uncertain significance-in BRCA1 as harmful or harmless. Once validated, this same technology may be used to classify variants in other genes. (9/29/18)

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Relevance: Medium-High

Quality of Writing: Medium-High

Article : Cancer experience in families affects decision making

Relevance: Medium-High

Quality of Writing: Medium-High

Most relevant for: Women with an inherited mutation linked to increased risk for cancer

Women with inherited mutations in genes that increase breast and ovarian cancer risk have an additional challenge: coping with how those mutations impact their families and how a family member’s cancer experience can shape their own perception. In a recent U.S. News and World Report article, Elaine Howley explores how a woman's decisions about healthcare, cancer prevention and treatment are affected by experience with cancer in the family. (9/25/18)

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Relevance: Medium-High

Strength of Science: High

Research Timeline: Post Approval

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Study : Hormone therapy and breast cancer risk after ovary removal in women with a BRCA1 mutation

Relevance: Medium-High

Strength of Science: High

Research Timeline: Post Approval

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Most relevant for: Women with BRCA1 mutations who have had risk-reducing ovary removal and have never been diagnosed with breast cancer

Does hormone therapy (HT) alter the risk of breast cancer for woman carrying a BRCA1 mutation who have never been diagnosed with cancer? In this study, researchers showed that among women with BRCA1 mutations, HT use did not increase breast cancer rates for 10 years after ovary removal. More women taking combined estrogen plus progesterone developed breast cancer compared to those taking estrogen only, though this difference was not statistically significant. (9/7/18)

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Relevance: Medium-High

Strength of Science: Medium-High

Research Timeline: Human Research

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Study : Gardening improves health outcomes for breast cancer patients

Relevance: Medium-High

Strength of Science: Medium-High

Research Timeline: Human Research

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Most relevant for: People diagnosed with breast cancer who would benefit from increased activity and from eating more vegetables

Research has shown that adopting a healthier lifestyle may improve overall health and outcomes for cancer survivors. This study looked at a 1-year home-based gardening intervention to increase activity and wellbeing among breast cancer survivors. (08/31/18)

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Relevance: Medium-High

Strength of Science: Medium-High

Research Timeline: Post Approval

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Study : Study identifies genes associated with risk of triple-negative breast cancer

Relevance: Medium-High

Strength of Science: Medium-High

Research Timeline: Post Approval

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Most relevant for: People diagnosed with triple-negative breast cancer

Panel testing can identify women who are at increased risk for breast cancer.  However, those at risk for triple-negative breast cancer cannot easily be identified because other than BRCA1, genes that increase the risk for triple-negative breast cancer are unknown.  A new study uses panel testing to identify which genes increase the risk for triple-negative breast cancer. (8/23/18)

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Relevance: High

Strength of Science: Medium-High

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Study : Declining use of chemotherapy for early-stage breast cancer: examining oncologist recommendations

Relevance: High

Strength of Science: Medium-High

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Most relevant for: People diagnosed with early stage breast cancer

A new study shows that chemotherapy use for early-stage, node-positive and node-negative breast cancers declined from 2013 to 2015. It also reports that oncologists’ recommendations are influenced to differing degrees by patient preferences and tumor test results, despite unchanging health care guidelines. (8/21/18)

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Relevance: Medium-High

Strength of Science: Medium

Research Timeline: Human Research

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Study : Immunotherapy may lead to long-term remission of metastatic breast cancer

Relevance: Medium-High

Strength of Science: Medium

Research Timeline: Human Research

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Most relevant for: People with advanced cancers

Metastatic breast cancer is often difficult to treat. In a new approach, called adoptive cell therapy (ACT), a patient’s own T-cells (a type of cancer-fighting immune cells) are collected, multiplied in a lab, and then returned to the patient. The goal is to enhance the patient’s immune system with many more T-cells that recognize and attack metastasized tumor cells. This study reports on a single patient whose metastatic breast cancer is still in remission (no evidence of disease) after more than 22 months following ACT. (8/16/18)

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Relevance: Medium

Quality of Writing: Medium-Low

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Article : Interview with Angelina Jolie's doctor promotes meatless diet and scientific inaccuracies

Relevance: Medium

Quality of Writing: Medium-Low

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Most relevant for:

Dr. Kristi Funk, Angelina Jolie's Hollywood breast surgeon, is promoting her new book about breast cancer. This article from the UK newspaper The Times includes an interview with Funk about her book, which proposes that diet is responsible for breast cancer. This XRAYS addresses scientific inaccuracies in this article. (8/7/18)

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Relevance: Medium-High

Strength of Science: High

Research Timeline: Post Approval

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Study : Some women with early-stage breast cancer forego chemotherapy

Relevance: Medium-High

Strength of Science: High

Research Timeline: Post Approval

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Most relevant for: People with node-negative, ER-positive breast cancer

A research study named the “Trial Assigning Individualized Options for Treatment” (TAILORx) asked whether chemotherapy is beneficial for women who have mid-range Oncotype DX tumor recurrence scores. This trial — the largest breast cancer treatment trial ever conducted— showed that endocrine therapy alone was as effective as endocrine therapy plus chemotherapy in women with certain types of early-stage breast cancer. The results of this trial are expected to be immediately practice changing (7/20/18)

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Relevance: High

Quality of Writing: High

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Article : High health insurance deductibles can interfere with breast cancer treatment decisions

Relevance: High

Quality of Writing: High

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Most relevant for: People diagnosed with breast cancer

A New York Times article published on May 4, 2018 examines the impact of high insurance deductibles on breast cancer treatment. (7/12/18)

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