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Tribute > Tracy Kaad Snyder

Tribute in Honor of: Tracy Kaad Snyder
Posted May 05, 2016

Tracy Kaad Snyder
Tracy Kaad Snyder

Personal Story

My sister is one of the bravest and strongest individuals I know. In 2002, she lost both her dear mother to breast cancer and her grandmother to ovarian cancer. She took it upon herself to have genetic testing performed so she did not need to become another victim.

After finding out she did carry the BRCA1 mutation, she quickly made the decision (that I did not fully understand or appreciate at that time) to have a prophylactic bilateral mastectomy.

Now that we are both older, wiser, and certainly closer I cannot even begin to THANK her for what she did for herself and selfishly, for me and everyone that loves her.

She continues to be an advocate, volunteer, and fundraiser for those affected by hereditary breast and ovarian cancer. I am so proud to call her my sister and best friend. She sets a beautiful example for her daughters of a healthy lifestyle and how to take care of yourself.

I look forward to a long life of us shopping, sharing holidays, weekends with our rugrats, and of course, gossiping :)

I love you! HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY 2016

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Sheri Chapman