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Tribute > Barbara Perrone

Tribute in Honor of: Barbara Perrone
Posted July 03, 2014

Barbara Perrone
Barbara Perrone

This Is Barb's third time battling breast cancer. Barb had a mastectomy, and had one of her breast removed. Then was in remission for ten year's, and her breast cancer came back in her other breast, and lymph nodes. Barb received two types of chemo for one year plus she had radiation. After she had her lymph nodes taken out last year she then suffered with lymphadeamia, and had to wear a sleeve to keep her arm from swelling from the pocket of fluid that settled under her arm. I was now told her cancer is back for the third time, and it's under her arm inside the skin, nodule on her lung, and breast cancer she will have to take three different chemos, and her doctors just say until it works.

Personal Story

Barbara Perrone, I just want to say thank you for showing me what determination means. After all you have been through you have been there for all of us if we needed an ear, coffee, lol , and even a car. I can never thank you enough for looking out for me and Isabelle when we were taking a bus, the ell, subway to drop her off to Mary Jane to babysit, and you and Tony had gotten a new car you gave me your car. When ever we needed make up advice, you are always there, and you even will help with family dogs. I just wanted to tell you we LOVE YOU!

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Gins Baker