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Understanding the Cancer Journey: A Survey of Patient Experiences and Emotional Impact

Surveys, Registries, Interviews
Online survey for people diagnosed with breast, colorectal, gastric or prostate cancer within the past twenty years

Study Contact Information:

Reach out by email to the study team at [email protected]

Understanding the Cancer Journey: A Survey of Patient Experiences and Emotional Impact

About the Study

Researchers are conducting a survey of cancer patients who were diagnosed within the past twenty years. The aim is to gather information about their diagnosis, treatment, and personal experiences of battling cancer. The survey will collect data on the type of cancer, diagnosis, treatment plan, medications used, and personal stories throughout the journey to help gain a better understanding of the emotional and psychological impact of cancer on patients.

What the Study Involves

This is a confidential, online survey that will take about 30 minutes to complete. Survey responses will be used to create stories that will be published on a website called Our Cancer Stories ( These stories are aimed at providing readers (e.g. cancer patients, survivors, caregivers, and those with loved ones affected by cancer) with information useful in making informed decisions in fighting cancer, while providing comfort and solidarity.

While AI-assisted software may be used in the initial crafting of the stories, a designated team of writers will ensure that the stories are closely aligned with the original survey responses to maintain integrity and representativeness of your responses. Be assured that all personally identifiable information such as your full name and email address will remain confidential, and the data will remain anonymous to protect privacy.

Click here to take the survey.

Lead Researchers

Principal Investigator (PI)
Prof Noah Lim
Global Asia Institute, National University of Singapore
Tel.: +65 6601 7494

Co-Investigators (Co-I)
Dr Diego F. Salazar
Global Asia Institute, National University of Singapore
Tel.: +65 6601 7494
Dr Rohan Ray
Global Asia Institute, National University of Singapore
Tel.: +65 6601 7494

This Study is Open To:

People who meet the following criteria can participate:

  • Aged between 30 to 70 years old
  • Have been diagnosed with the following types of cancer within the last twenty (20) years
    • Breast Cancer
    • Colorectal Cancer
    • Gastric Cancer
    • Lung Cancer
    • Cancer
This Study is Not Open To:

People may not participate if they:

  • Are under the age of 30 or older than 70 years old
  • Have not been diagnosed with any of the following types of cancer within the last twenty (20) years
    • Breast Cancer
    • Colorectal Cancer
    • Gastric Cancer
    • Lung Cancer
    • Cancer