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Mobile Mindfulness Meditation Intervention to Improve Neuropathy in Cancer Survivors identifier:

Study Contact Information:

 For questions about the study, contact Erin O’Carroll Bantum, PhD by phone at (808) 441-3491 or by email.

Mobile Mindfulness Meditation Intervention to Improve Neuropathy in Cancer Survivors

About the Study

The University of Hawai‘i Cancer Center is running a mobile app study to see how it impacts cancer-related neuropathy. We are asking people who have been diagnosed with cancer, have finished primary treatment and are experiencing neuropathy if they would like to use a mobile app for mindfulness meditation to see if it helps their neuropathy.  

Interested participants will be asked to follow the link for either anxiety OR neuropathy and to participate in only one of the studies, one time only. Upon enrollment, you will randomly be assigned to begin using the mobile app either immediately or after eight weeks. You will be asked to complete online questionnaires about your well-being upon your initial enrollment, 8 weeks later, and 16 weeks later.

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