Melanoma Risk Management

Learn about options for melanoma screening and prevention

Melanoma Risk Management

Every person is at risk for melanoma and the risk increases with age. The average lifetime risk for melanoma varies by gender, race and ethnicity. For people living in the United States, the lifetime risk of getting melanoma for the following groups is about:

  • 3% for White people
  • 0.1 percent (1 out of 1000) for Black people
  • 0.5 percent (1 out of 200) for Latine and Hispanic people.  

An inherited mutation in one of the genes listed below increases the risk for melanoma, often at a younger age.

Genes with Melanoma Risk-Management Guidelines
ACD, BAP1 (especially for uveal melanoma), BRCA2, CDKN2A, CDK4, MC1R, MITF, POT1, PTEN, RB1, TERF2IP, TERT, TP53

Genetic counseling and testing can help you learn if you have an inherited mutation in one of these genes. There are different expert guidelines for melanoma risk management, which are based on your level of risk. Read below for more information about different risk-management options. Speak with your healthcare provider to decide on a risk-management plan and schedule that is right for you. 

Melanoma Risk-Management Options


Screening for melanoma uses tests to try to catch cancer in its early stages. In high-risk people, regular screening can improve cancer outcomes. 

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Strategies to Reduce Risk

There are steps that people can take to lower their risk for melanoma. Read more about these risk-management options.  

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Last updated February 13, 2024