FORCE's eXamining the Relevance of Articles for You (XRAY) program looks behind the headlines of cancer news to help you understand what the research means for you.
XRAY is a reliable source of hereditary cancer research-related news and information.
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Relevant for: previvors, In portal: Breast Cancer
Relevance: Medium-High

Guideline : Hereditary cancer gene guidelines expand
Relevance: Medium-High

Most relevant for: People at high risk for hereditary cancer
The National Comprehensive Cancer Network regularly updates guidelines for several types of hereditary cancer. These recommendations often change when new research is published. Recently, the NCCN expanded its guidelines to include information on hereditary prostate and gastric cancers. (Posted 1/6/25)
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Relevance: Medium-High

Strength of Science: High

Research Timeline: Post Approval

Study : Lifetime cancer risks in people with an inherited mutation in CDH1
Relevance: Medium-High

Strength of Science: High

Research Timeline: Post Approval

Most relevant for: People with an inherited mutation in CDH1
This study looked at the lifetime risks of stomach and breast cancer in families with a known CDH1 mutation. Results from the study suggest that for some CDH1 mutation carriers lifetime stomach cancer risk is lower than previous research has shown. Additionally, study results show that the lifetime risk of breast cancer is similar to previous lifetime risk estimates in women with mutations in this gene. (Posted 12/10/24)
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Relevance: Medium

Strength of Science: Medium

Research Timeline: Post Approval

Study : Impact of breast cancer and BRCA mutations on fertility preservation
Relevance: Medium

Strength of Science: Medium

Research Timeline: Post Approval

Most relevant for: People considering fertility preservation.
Timely family planning discussions are important for people diagnosed with breast cancer as well as those who have an inherited a BRCA1 or BRCA2 mutation. This study looked at the number of mature eggs recovered when ovaries were stimulated for fertility preservation or preimplantation genetic testing among three groups and found that the number of eggs collected was similar. (Posted 10/31/24)
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Relevance: Medium-High

Strength of Science: Medium-High

Research Timeline: Human Research

Study : Yearly breast MRI screening improves outcomes for women with inherited BRCA mutations
Relevance: Medium-High

Strength of Science: Medium-High

Research Timeline: Human Research

Most relevant for: People with a BRCA1 or BRCA2 mutation who are considering breast MRI screening
An international research study of yearly breast MRI screening among women with BRCA1 and BRCA2 gene mutations found that BRCA1 carriers who had MRI screenings were less likely to die of breast cancer than those who did not. Additional studies with more BRCA2 mutation carriers are needed to determine if yearly breast MRIs reduce deaths from breast cancer in this group. (Posted 6/24/24)
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Relevance: Medium

Update : News from the FDA– new breast cancer treatment, thermography warning and implant screening updates
Relevance: Medium

Most relevant for: People with HR-positive and HER2-negative metastatic breast cancer. People with silicone breast implants. People considering thermography screening
This XRAY review is a summary of FDA breast cancer updates from July to December 2023. This includes a new drug approval and two consumer updates. (Posted 2/21/24)
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Relevance: Medium

Research Timeline: Human Research

Update : A breast cancer vaccine for people with an inherited BRCA1, BRCA2 or PALB2 mutation
Most relevant for: People at increased risk for breast cancer undergoing prophylactic bilateral mastectomy due to an inherited mutation in BRCA1, BRCA2 or PALB2. People with TNBC who still have breast cancer after chemotherapy.
A breast cancer vaccine is showing promise in early clinical trials. Initially, the vaccine was tested in people with triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC) who were at high risk for recurrence. Now the vaccine is being tested to lower breast cancer risk among people with an inherited mutation in BRCA1, BRCA2 or PALB2. It is also being tested in people with triple-negative breast cancer who are at high risk for recurrence and are taking the immunotherapy drug Keytruda (pembrolizumab) after completing chemotherapy. (Posted 1/31/24)
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Relevance: Medium-High

Research Timeline: Human Research

Article : Artificial intelligence (AI) may find breast cancer on mammograms sooner
Most relevant for: People interested in the use of artificial intelligence in medicine
Artificial intelligence (AI) tools may help doctors read mammograms. This assistance may lead to earlier diagnoses of breast cancer. (Posted 9/29/23)
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Relevance: High

Quality of Writing: Medium-High

Article : Genetic testing and the future of medicine
Relevance: High

Quality of Writing: Medium-High

Most relevant for: People interested in genetic testing.
An article published in Katie Couric Media discusses genetic testing and how it can impact health. The author talked with Dr. Robert Steiner, a doctor who specializes in genetics. He talked about genetic testing and how the results can affect health and change lives. (Posted 9/28/23)
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Relevance: Medium-High

Guideline : What is breast density and why does it matter?
Relevance: Medium-High

Most relevant for: People who have mammograms
New FDA guidelines for mammograms will go into effect by September 2024. Current FDA guidance requires hospitals and breast centers to give people information about their breast density with their mammogram results. By September 2024, mammogram providers will need to relay to patients who have dense breast that they should discuss the need for additional imaging. This article provides an overview of what breast density means and why it matters. (Posted 6/8/23)
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Relevance: Medium

Topic : Impact of new laws on cancer treatment during pregnancy
Relevance: Medium

Most relevant for: People who have cancer who are pregnant
The U.S. Supreme Court ruled in 2022 that abortion is no longer a protected right under the Constitution. This landmark decision leaves regulation of abortion to the states. Cancer treatment during pregnancy may now be impacted in states that have abortion bans or limitations. (Posted 5/31/23)
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