FORCE's eXamining the Relevance of Articles for You (XRAY) program looks behind the headlines of cancer news to help you understand what the research means for you.
XRAY is a reliable source of hereditary cancer research-related news and information.
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Relevance: Medium-High

Strength of Science: High

Research Timeline: Post Approval

Topic : The drug Enhertu is FDA-approved for any advanced or metastatic HER2-positive tumors
Relevance: Medium-High

Strength of Science: High

Research Timeline: Post Approval

Most relevant for: People with advanced HER2-positive cancer
The FDA granted accelerated approval of Enhertu for people with any HER2-positive tumor that is metastatic or cannot be surgically removed. Eligible patients must have had previous treatment such as chemotherapy or hormone therapy. (Posted 7/19/24)
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Relevance: Medium-High

Topic : Experts call for early palliative care for cancer patients
Most relevant for: Cancer patients
People with cancer need support and care not only at the end of life but from the time of diagnosis. At the 2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) annual meeting, the organization’s president urged cancer healthcare professionals to make palliative care central to cancer treatment. (Posted 7/17/24)
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Relevance: Medium-High

Strength of Science: Medium-High

Research Timeline: Human Research

Study : Yearly breast MRI screening improves outcomes for women with inherited BRCA mutations
Relevance: Medium-High

Strength of Science: Medium-High

Research Timeline: Human Research

Most relevant for: People with a BRCA1 or BRCA2 mutation who are considering breast MRI screening
An international research study of yearly breast MRI screening among women with BRCA1 and BRCA2 gene mutations found that BRCA1 carriers who had MRI screenings were less likely to die of breast cancer than those who did not. Additional studies with more BRCA2 mutation carriers are needed to determine if yearly breast MRIs reduce deaths from breast cancer in this group. (Posted 6/24/24)
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Relevance: Medium-High

Strength of Science: High

Research Timeline: Post Approval

Update : Targeted therapy for early-stage HER2-positive breast cancer continues to show benefit
Relevance: Medium-High

Strength of Science: High

Research Timeline: Post Approval

Most relevant for: People with early-stage HER2-postive breast cancer
People with early-stage HER2-positive breast cancer benefit from targeted therapy. This update includes new data on survival and the length of time without cancer returning. (Posted 6/20/24)
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Relevance: Medium-High

Update : News from the FDA: New ovarian cancer treatment and imaging drug
Most relevant for: People with ovarian cancer.
The FDA recently approved a new treatment for some people with ovarian cancer. The FDA also approved a new imaging drug that can help surgeons find and remove ovarian cancer. (Posted 5/30/24)
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Relevance: High

Strength of Science: High

Research Timeline: Post Approval

Study : Ovary removal reduces risk of death from any cause in people with BRCA mutations
Relevance: High

Strength of Science: High

Research Timeline: Post Approval

Most relevant for: People who have had a risk reducing bilateral oophorectomy
People who test positive for an inherited BRCA1 or BRCA2 mutation can reduce their risk of ovarian cancer by having both ovaries and fallopian tubes removed. A study published in 2024 found an added benefit of this surgery – a lower risk of death from any cause by age 75. (Posted 5/23/24)
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Relevance: Medium

Personal Story : Living a full life with Li-Fraumeni syndrome
Relevance: Medium

Most relevant for: People with Li-Fraumeni syndrome
This XRAY review is about a five-time cancer survivor who has an inherited mutation in the TP53 gene. People with inherited mutations in TP53 have Li-Fraumeni syndrome, which is linked to a very high lifetime risk for many types of cancer. Here we share his inspiring story and provide more information on Li-Fraumeni syndrome. (Posted 4/16/24)
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Relevance: Medium-High

Research Timeline: Post Approval

Update : News from the FDA - Two new metastatic colorectal cancer treatments
Most relevant for: People with colorectal cancer
The FDA recently approved two new treatments for metastatic colorectal cancer. (Posted 3/22/24)
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Relevance: Medium-High

Research Timeline: Post Approval

Topic : Progress in the treatment of triple-negative breast cancer
Most relevant for: People with triple-negative breast cancer
During the December 2023 San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium, Dr. Melinda Telli presented a summary of research that has led to better treatments for triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC). These treatments now include drugs called targeted therapies and immunotherapies for both early and late stages of TNBC. (Posted 3/19/24)
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Relevance: High

Strength of Science: High

Research Timeline: Post Approval

Study : Genetic testing among people with cancer can find mutations that may affect treatment and prevention
Relevance: High

Strength of Science: High

Research Timeline: Post Approval

Most relevant for: People diagnosed with cancer who have not yet had genetic testing
Despite national guidelines recommending genetic testing, less than 10 percent of eligible patients had genetic testing within two years after their cancer diagnosis. Among those who had testing, 10-30 percent had an inherited mutation that could affect their medical care. (Posted 3/15/2024)
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