
The Experience of Genetic Testing Among Latinas with a BRCA1 or BRCA2 Mutation

Surveys, Registries, Interviews
Interviews with Latinas who have a BRCA1 or BRCA2 mutation

Study Contact Information:

Lisania Milli, MSN, RN (PhD student/PI)
Email: [email protected]

About the Study

Genetic counseling/testing have emerged as a healthcare disparity issue. This disparity is partly due to lack of awareness, poor understanding of risk, and lack of referral for genetic counseling/testing. The Latino community has been negatively impacted since many are not referred to genetic counseling/testing. The goal of this study is to interview Latinas to explore their experience and to share this information to those caring for Latinas at high risk of breast and ovarian cancer.

What the Study Involves

Participants will be interviewed and asked about 10 questions about your experience. These questions will include your experience in getting referred to genetic counseling and testing, your feelings about having BRCA mutation, and your experience in discussing genetic test results with your family. The interview will take place using Microsoft Teams and ask some questions about your background such as age and if you have any children. The interview is expected to last 30-60 mintutes and the researcher may ask if they can contact you again at a later date for additional information for clarification. 

Please contact Lisania (Lisa) Milli at [email protected] with the best contact information (phone number or email address). You will be contacted to plan your participation. For your time, participants will receive a $25 Amazon e-gift card.

Lead Researcher

Lisania Milli, MSN, RN (PhD student/PI)
Seton Hall University, College of Nursing
Email: [email protected]

This Study is Open To:

People 30 years of age or older and:

This Study is Not Open To:

People under the age of 30 and:


FORCE is a national nonprofit organization, established in 1999. Our mission is to improve the lives of individuals and families affected by adult hereditary cancers.