
MRI Screening in Men at High Risk of Developing Prostate Cancer identifier:
NCT05608694 (

Screening using MRI for men at risk of developing prostate cancer

Study Contact Information:

Please contact Contact: Scott Eggener, MD (773) 702-1001 [email protected] or
Mitchell Oddo (773) 834-8771 [email protected]

About the Study

This study will place participants into one of four groups: 

All groups will receive the same prostate MRIs. 

What the Study Involves

Participants will have a prostate MRI every three years for 15 years or until prostate cancer is found.

This Study is Open To:

Men 18 years and older who: 


This Study is Not Open To:

Men who do not meet the inclusion criteria defined above and those who: 


FORCE is a national nonprofit organization, established in 1999. Our mission is to improve the lives of individuals and families affected by adult hereditary cancers.