Interviews with adults that have recently met with a cancer genetic counselor in the U.S., regardless of genetic testing outcome
Study Contact Information:
Angelea Kuipers
[email protected]
This study aims to explore perceptions of patients and genetic counselors about long-term follow-up in cancer genetic counseling, including if and how patients would like additional follow-up with a genetic counselor beyond the pre- and post-test counseling session. If you wish to participate, email the student investigator to schedule a voluntary 30–60-minute Zoom interview. All information will be de-identified. There are no costs associated with participation. NOTE: This study is no longer enrolling.
You are eligible for this study if you:
The following people are not eligible:
FORCE is a national nonprofit organization, established in 1999. Our mission is to improve the lives of individuals and families affected by adult hereditary cancers.