
Dose-Response of Aerobic Training in Post-Menopausal Women at High-Risk for Development of Breast Cancer identifier:
NCT02494869 (

Study Contact Information:

New York, NY

Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center

Contact: Lee Jones, PhD by phone: 646-888-4698 or Neil Iyengar, MD by phone: 646-888-4714  



NOTE: This study enrollment has closed. 

About the Study

This study is no longer recruiting people. 

This randomized study will look at the effect that different amounts of exercise training has on risk factors in post-menopausal women at high risk for breast cancer. These risk factors include exercise capacity, body weight, and body composition, as well as the expression of certain genes and levels of inflammatory factors in your breast tissue. 

Type of Study

This is a randomized, four arm study. The study period will last six months. 

What the Study Entails


Prior studies have shown that high levels of exercise may reduce breast cancer risk, but what has not been known is the best intensity and amount of exercise required to be protective. Nor is it known how exercise reduces breast cancer risk. In this study, researchers want to determine the optimal amount of exercise needed to change certain factors associated with breast cancer risk.

Study Lead Investigator

Principal Investigator: Lee Jones, PhD

Contact information: Phone: 646-888-4698 



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FORCE is a national nonprofit organization, established in 1999. Our mission is to improve the lives of individuals and families affected by adult hereditary cancers.