Find information on insurance coverage and reimbursement for genetic services, risk management and cancer treatment. Stay up to date on hereditary cancer topics by signing up for our community newsletter.

Genetic Services

The majority of public and private health insurance plans cover genetic counseling, and if appropriate, genetic testing for people who have specific personal and/or family histories of cancer.

Genetic test results can affect your decisions about medical care. For example, genetic test results may influence treatment options or surgical recommendations if you are already diagnosed with cancer. Genetic test results also inform you about your risk of other cancers. There are medical options to lower your cancer risk or detect cancer early—when it is most treatable—if you have a hereditary genetic mutation that causes an increased risk of cancer.

Some health insurers require genetic counseling before you have genetic testing. If you are interested in genetic testing or if you think cancer runs in your family, it is important to speak with a qualified health care professional with training in genetics. Often, they can advise you on the right genetic test, insurance coverage of the test, and provide guidance if an insurance appeal or financial assistance is needed.

Find Experts
Find Experts

  • Visit the How to Get Testing section of our website for criteria for genetic testing and information on finding a cancer genetics expert.
  • FORCE's toll-free helpline: 866-288-RISK, ext. 704, can connect you with a volunteer board-certified genetic counselor who can answer general questions about genetic testing and hereditary cancer and help you find a genetic counselor near you. 
  • FORCE Peer Navigator Program will match you with a volunteer who has undergone genetic counseling and can help you navigate resources to find a genetic counselor near you.